This is one of the few pieces of Japanese black propaganda that is known. The same text is in Japanese on one side and English on the other. The black letter appears to be from the Japanese Army and berates the Americans who they acknowledge treat the Japanese prisoners well, for implying that the Japanese do not treat the Americans the same way.The letter, addressed to “Americans,” tells the Japanese that they will be treated well when captured by the Americans, and then claims that Americans receive the exact same good treatment when captured by the Japanese. This, by the same barbaric military that killed American and Filipino prisoners during the Bataan Death March. Just as the Indians used to tell the British that they were civilized while the English were still painting themselves blue, the Japanese tell the Americans in part:
Even though you are our enemy we appreciate the good treatment you are giving Japanese soldiers…However, we cannot condone your wanton lies about Japan violating international law and treating American prisoners atrociously like barbarians…American prisoners in our hands are receiving good treatment and living a peaceful and happy life…
Our history is ten times older than yours. While your ancestors were roaming around as savages, Japan was already civilized. We are civilized much more than you Americans.
The true purpose of this propaganda leaflet is to make the Japanese soldier think that his government has acknowledged the good treatment of Japanese prisoners of war and this make it easier for the solider to make the decision to surrender.
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