Operation Blog is ACTIVE

OK students...this is the platform upon which students will share their knowledge and understanding of the great marker event of 20th century world history: World War 2. The rules are simple:

1. All students must make at least one post to this blog. Posts are in the form of reflections, opinions, links to articles, video, music, images, etc. Students must relate the nature of their posts to a theme of the conflict and make commentary.

2. All students must make at least one comment on another students post. Comments must be thoughtful, argumentative if inclined, insightful, or you my pose some question leads to another post by you or another classmate.

3. You must tag your post with the applicable theme(s).

4. Grades will be based on an holistic scoring scale which heavily weights the frequency and substance of posts and comments. Minimum participation equates to minimum scores for this class exercise.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Joseph Mengele

Joseph Mengele was one of the well known doctors in WW2, due to his aggresive and brutal actions in concentration camps. Jospeh was said to be the reason of the death of four hundred thousand people. He's one of those psycho doctors that had fun killing and experimenting with human nature. Due to his brutal actions he was nicknamed the Angel of Death. Joseph even had a special interest in twins, leading him to experiment on them. Due to Joseph's special interest in twins, he gave special privileges to them. Some of the recorded experiments are ones that Joseph injects chemicals into children's eyes to change their eye colors. He even cuts the twins in half and sow them together to create Siamses twins. Although he is known for his brutual actions, however strangely twins that are able to survive WW2 remember him as being the gentle uncle or father that came and befriended them by giving them chocolates and clothes.

There are many things more to know about Joseph Mengele, about his brutal actions and how scary he is. You could read more about him in http://auschwitz.dk/Mengele.htm


  1. Being experimented on is scary. Is Joseph Mengele psycho since he was young? Or did he suddenly had this weird idea when he was at the concentration camp? I wonder if he was respected a lot or not back then because if he experimented with humans a lot, then he might have some new inventions that would affect humans, like he might invent the color contact lenses. Instead of injecting the chemicals into eyes directly, he might thought of finding something to put the chemical in (the lenses), so it would be put close to our eyes and almost feel like having chemicals on eyes.

  2. Well, I don't think that Joseph Mengele neither was psycho not had fun killing people. He was just one of the doctors employed by the Nazis to work in concentration camps so that they could experiment on people. A lot of prisoners that were sent to these camps underwent torture while the doctors performed experiments to know the human body better. Joseph Mengele, however, was notorious because of his brutality while treating the 'patients'. He was also known of performing cruel tests on humans.
