By 1942, Germany dominated most of Europe, this particular was considered as critical because at this point it looked like Hitler is about to take over the whole of Europe and if the Allied powers don't take the necessary actions to stop the Germans, Europe might never return to its normal state. In the year 1942 Germany had invaded and was already occupying Czechoslovakia, Poland, France, Belgium, Austria, Norway, Denmark, Belgium, northern France, Serbia

, parts of northern Greece, and territories in eastern Europe which includes Italy, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Finland, Croatia, and Vichy France. The Allied powers, especially the British did not step in to stop this outrageous act because they were busy defending their own homeland, which the Germans were currently bombing. The Allied soldiers lacked experience, and they were short of supplies, 1942 ended with the Germans straightening their defenses lines, and the Allied powers came to a halt.
In my opinion I think that the year 1942 was consider a critical point in the war because clearly the allies can see that the axis have most of Europe conquered and this is like the period where the war determines a winner and it is like a "match point" in a game where if the allied forces lose then the victory of axis is inevitable.