Operation Blog is ACTIVE

OK students...this is the platform upon which students will share their knowledge and understanding of the great marker event of 20th century world history: World War 2. The rules are simple:

1. All students must make at least one post to this blog. Posts are in the form of reflections, opinions, links to articles, video, music, images, etc. Students must relate the nature of their posts to a theme of the conflict and make commentary.

2. All students must make at least one comment on another students post. Comments must be thoughtful, argumentative if inclined, insightful, or you my pose some question leads to another post by you or another classmate.

3. You must tag your post with the applicable theme(s).

4. Grades will be based on an holistic scoring scale which heavily weights the frequency and substance of posts and comments. Minimum participation equates to minimum scores for this class exercise.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Gas Masks during the war

By September 1939 some 38 million gas masks had been given out to British families in hopes of protecting civilians from gas attacks, but by the war's end they proved to not have been needed.

Everyone in Britain was given a gas mask in a cardboard box, to protect them from gas bombs, which could be dropped during air raids.

Why were people afraid that chemical weapons might be used during WWII?
Gas had been widely used in WWI and many soldiers had either died or had been injured in gas attacks. Mustard gas was the most deadly of all the poisonous chemicals used
during WWI, it was almost odourless (almost no smell) and took 12 hours to take effect.

Posters reminded people to carry their gas masks with themselves at all times. People were also fined if they were caught without their gas masks with them.

♣The poster on the left encourages the people to always carry their masks with them since Hitler isn't going to be sending them warnings that he is going send his airforce to bomb them on what days at what times.

♣Special masks were given out for younger children since the government feared that these children would be afraid of the masks and refrain from wearing them. *These special masks were colored out to look like the cartoonish mickey mouse character.*


  1. You said that everyone had to have gas masks with them all the time. Does that mean they have to wear them all the time? Or just carry it around with them? What if they only need to carry it around with them and don't have to wear it, and there was a sudden mustard gas attack, wouldn't everybody die? Because it is the most deadly of poisonous chemicals and almost odorless, so people wouldn't notice if there is mustard gas around them or not.

  2. It was required for the people to carry gas masks with them at all times, but that doesn't necessary mean that they had to always wear them. The only time that they were required to wear them was during air-raids, since they had no idea what kind of poisonous gases might be sprayed into the air. But, gas masks did not provide the civilians with a 100% survival chance, it only provided some protection against certain gases, so, if mustard gas was projected into the air then their percentage of survival would probably be much lower than if tear gas was projected. Luckily, poisonous gases were not used against the British population during air-raids in WWII.

  3. They made gas masks for horses too didn't they?
    The mickey mouse gas mass seems pretty cute, and a good strategy to get kids to wear them.
