"Speed, and still more speed, and always speed was the secret……..and that demanded audacity, more audacity and always audacity."
Major General Fuller
"When the dive-bombers come down, they (the French) stood it for two hours and then ran with their hands over their ears."
"Sedan fell as a result of a bombardment……….it was a superb example of military surprise."
"The pace is too fast……it’s the co-operation between the dive-bombers and the tanks that is winning the war for Germany."
"News that the Germans are in Amiens………this is like some ridiculous nightmare."
I think that the Blitzkrieg played a very important role in the war because that was the main reason why Hitler was successful with conquering Europe, but when it came to "Operation Sea-lion" where the Germans can only depend on their air force the Germans failed, so the Blitzkrieg was a great success of Hitler.