Operation Blog is ACTIVE

OK students...this is the platform upon which students will share their knowledge and understanding of the great marker event of 20th century world history: World War 2. The rules are simple:

1. All students must make at least one post to this blog. Posts are in the form of reflections, opinions, links to articles, video, music, images, etc. Students must relate the nature of their posts to a theme of the conflict and make commentary.

2. All students must make at least one comment on another students post. Comments must be thoughtful, argumentative if inclined, insightful, or you my pose some question leads to another post by you or another classmate.

3. You must tag your post with the applicable theme(s).

4. Grades will be based on an holistic scoring scale which heavily weights the frequency and substance of posts and comments. Minimum participation equates to minimum scores for this class exercise.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Events (mostly about Japan)

1937: Japan goes to war with China
July 1939: Roosevelt announces that Treaty of Commerce and Navigation will not be renewed
July 2, 1940: U.S. Congress passes Export Control Act
August: Japan declares greater East Asia co-prosperity sphere
September 27: Japan signs Tripartite Pact with Germany and Italy
January 1941: Yamamoto prepares plan for attack on Pearl Harbor
July: Japanese troops occupy Indochina
October: Hirohito gives general approval for Pearl Harbor attack
November 8: Hirohito approves formal battle plan for attack in December
November 26: Japanese attack fleet sets sail from Japan
December 7: Japan launches surprise attack on Pearl Harbor
December 8: United States and Britain declare war on Japan
December 11: Germany declares war on United States

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